Reader Letter: Is Coronado the Next San FranFeces?

Reader Letter: Is Coronado the Next San FranFeces?

Letter from an Astute Reader

Dear Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye Team,

Do you think San Francisco’s dirty disgusting Poop Crisis was the ‘inspiration’ for Coronado’s dirty disgusting Golf Course Sewage Plant boondoggle?

After all, the Coronado Golf Course Sewage Plant boondoggle is a Poop Crisis for Coronado Taxpayers.

I don’t want Coronado to become more like San FranFeces.


I Want a Poop-Free Coronado Golf Course

Our Reply

Dear Poop-Free Golf Course,

Certainly you pose an interesting question.

That is to say, the grotesque degradations of once-great San Francisco and Coronado are somewhat similar, although not exactly the same.

First, it’s true that San Francisco has long held the disgusting unofficial title of Poop Capital of America. In the same vein, Coronado is supposed to hold the unofficial title of America’s First Disgusting Golf Course Sewage Plant Town. Gross!

Second, San Francisco Dunces voted in and carry out stupid Government Policies that have turned its Public Streets into a Filthy Wasteland. In the same vein, stupid Coronado Government Dunces intend to vote in and carry out actions to transform our Public Golf Course into a Filthy Wasteland. Dumb!

Third, the Overtaxed Taxpayers in Coronado and San Francisco appear to be Extremely Unloved and Uncared For by their respective Government Dunces. Bad!

In short, it’s very, very Sad.

We are winning already because we are united in purpose to Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!

However, Coronado Taxpayers are joined together to Kiss the Coronado Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye. Therefore our Community Nightmare will be over soon. As a result, there will be no Golf Course Sewage Plant Boondoggle in Coronado.

In conclusion, we hope San Francisco Taxpayers can stop fighting long enough to join together in order to clean up their once-Shining City on a Hill. By all accounts, San FranFeces has sunk to a disgraceful You-Know-What-Hole, both literally and figuratively.

Sincerely yours,

Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye Team