Your Views Will Be Disgusting With a Sewage Plant on the Golf Course

Your Views Will Be Disgusting With a Sewage Plant on the Golf Course

What a Sewage Plant Looks Like

Here’s a cartoon model of a Sewage Plant.

It looks as clean and colorful and fun as Disney Land, doesn’t it?

Here’s what a real Sewage Plant looks.

It’s built on thousands of cleared acres of forest land.

Notice that it isn’t shoehorned into a small patch of grass surrounded by houses, bays, ocean, highways, golf course, tennis courts, recreation center, bike path, hotels, retail stores, restaurants and other businesses crammed nearby.

In addition, there probably aren’t at least THREE Active Earthquake Faults near this Sewage Plant.

For obvious Safety, Security, Financial, Engineering, Legal, Environmental, and Other Practical Reasons, Sewage Plants aren’t shoehorned into tiny, densely-populated, built-out, active earthquake-faulted areas such as Coronado Island.

Now take a look at some Sewage Sludge Holding Tanks.

They are very ugly and very wide and very tall, aren’t they?

Can you envision similar Sewage Sludge Tanks rising up into the sky from the Coronado Golf Course?

And here’s a view of part of a sprawling Sewage Plant, situated far away from a densely populated city skyline.

Can you smell the stinky Solid Waste being separated from the Liquid Waste in the Sludge Pools?

At night, the Sewage Plant is lit up with Bright Lights for obvious Safety and Security Reasons.

Can you imagine how much brighter your nights will be with a fully lit Sewage Plant on the Coronado Golf Course?

Oh, well. Who needs to gaze at the stars anyway?

Imagine Four Views of the Golf Course Sewage Plant

Take a moment. Relax. Breathe in and out. In and out. Again.

#1 Your View From the Bridge

First, imagine you are driving back onto our Island Paradise after a full day of work or errands or recreation. As you drive down from the top of the Coronado Bridge, you look down to left to see the beautiful, clean, pristine Coronado Golf Course.

Instead your eyes are assaulted by an ugly Sewage Plant. Gross!

There goes that view.

Never again will you have that old, familiar, lovely feeling of coming home to your beautiful Coronado Island Paradise when you are on top of the Bridge.

#2 Your View From Coronado Shores

Second, imagine you are hosting your family and friends for a special dinner in your stunning Coronado Shores home.

As you sweep your arm across your giant window pointing out the beautiful Coronado Bridge and the Bay, you become uncomfortable when one of your guests pipes up with, Oh, dear. What is that ugly monstrosity on the Golf Course?

Your face grows red with embarrassment as you mention that your Government Dunces helped some Greedy Grinches grow fat and rich on YOUR Tax Dollars while ‘Studying,’ Building, Insuring, and Operating the unnecessary and unwanted Sewage Plant on the Coronado Golf Course.

That’s the moment your guests pity you.

Then you feel your face grow hot with anger as you explain that you will be paying off the Golf Course Sewage Plant Bonds for the next 30 years as your latest of several punitive Government Property Tax Hikes/Government Bonds in Coronado.

That’s the moment you realize you won’t be able to afford that New Car you were looking forward to buying before your Government Property Tax Hikes (or Government Bond Re-Payments) became mandatory.

Coronado just isn’t the same Island Paradise anymore.

#3 Your View From Your Bicycle

Third, imagine you are cycling along Glorietta Boulevard in the morning. The air is damp and salty as the marine layer starts to burn off.

As you approach the Golf Course, you hear big, noisy Sludge Trucks crashing and banging around you.

When you pedal past the Golf Course you are assaulted by the stench of Sewage Sludge that is so pungent, it will linger in your nostrils for the next half hour.

You notice that those Sewage Sludge Holding Tanks block out the sun. And you can see that those Sewage Sludge Separating Pools are as ugly as they are smelly.

This part of Coronado Island just isn’t tranquil, sweet, and special anymore since they squeezed the new Sewage Plant onto the Golf Course.

Coronado sure isn’t the same with that darn Golf Course Sewage Plant.

#4 Your View From An Airplane

Fourth, imagine you are on an airplane flying back home from your fun vacation or successful business trip.

You always felt so lucky to live in Coronado because you got to come home to the place where people from around the USA come to vacation.

As you sit up to look out of your airplane window, you see the familiar Pacific Ocean, San Diego Bay, Coronado Bridge and Coronado Island.

Oh, look. There is the Coronado Golf Course. But instantly, you are disappointed to see how it is marred by the ugly old Sewage Plant.

A little boy in the seat behind you asks his father, What are those weird things on the green grass down there, Daddy?

In disbelief, the father says, Why, that’s a Sewage Plant. On an old Golf Course. A Sewage Plant on an old Golf Course?! People don’t build Sewage Plants on Golf Courses. Take a good look at that because that is The Worst City Planning. Ever. Anywhere. On Earth. What in the world were they thinking? Don’t worry, Son. We will NEVER let that happen to OUR town.

You sink back into your seat in shameful resignation.

You remember the gold old days when you were proud to come home to Coronado.

Don’t Kiss Your Views Goodbye. Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye Instead!

Can you think of additional ruined views you would have to suffer because of an ugly, dirty, smelly Sewage Plant on the Coronado Golf Course?

If you want to preserve your stunning views of our unique Island Paradise, then you will Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!