An Epiphany on The Epiphany

An Epiphany on The Epiphany

The First Epiphany

Today we celebrate the Epiphany.

Three Wise Men from the East bowed down in homage to the little Baby Jesus as He lay on the hay in the manger on the Bethlehem plain.

Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar brought Him gifts fit for a King.

They brought Him Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh after traveling westward by following the Blazing Star that shone down brightly on the Holy Family as Choirs of Angels sang on high.

Along with the Three Wise Men, local shepherds who were tending their flocks understood that the Son of God’s earthly birth was Significant because it changed Everything and lifted up all of Humanity.

From the wisest men to the lowliest shepherds, witnesses to Christ’s birth understood the Significance of that moment in History.

Our Epiphany About Coronado Government Dunces

In stark contrast, today a gang of Wise Guys out here on the West Coast of California haven’t descended upon Coronado to bring gifts to us to show respect. No no no.

One of the byproducts of the Golf Course Sewage Plant will be sewage sludge. It is expensive to incinerate on site. It is also expensive to haul away for incineration off site.

Instead, they are trying to force us to pay for something we don’t want and don’t need — a dirty, smelly, disgusting Sewage Plant to spoil our Golf Course.

The Golf Course Sewage Plant will have lots of pumps and pipes that are noisy. They are also costly to fix when they break.

It’s the ultimate Slap in the Face for all Coronado Taxpayers because it shows how abused and unloved we truly are.

What kind of people could force a Golf Course Sewage Plant on Coronado Taxpayers? Obviously, not people who love and care for us.

Far from showing respect, care, and love, is the Coronado Golf Course Sewage Plant Boondoggle the penultimate symbol of the systemic rot and degradation of Coronado Government?

The Coronado Golf Course Sewage Plant will have stinky sluicing ponds to separate solid waste from liquid waste.

Surely the Coronado Government Dunces and Grinches who persist in forcing the Golf Course Sewage Plant on Coronado Taxpayers don’t care for us. They don’t love us.

Your Upcoming Epiphany

The moment you realize the Significance of the Coronado Golf Course Sewage Plant Boondoggle, you may have an epiphany, too.

We can’t guarantee you’ll see a Star shining brightly above the Golf Course as a symbol of your newfound Enlightenment.

But we can guarantee you’ll face a choice: You can stay silent. Or, you can speak up loudly against the Golf Course Sewage Plant Boondoggle.

What Can You Do?

Can you sacrifice 1 minute of your day to email the Coronado Government Dunces who are trying to force the World’s Dumbest Boondoggle on us? Tell them no no no.

Or, can you sacrifice 3 minutes out of your month to go down to City Hall during a bi-monthly City Council Meeting? Tell them no no no during the minuscule amount of time they allow you to speak your mind at the podium.

Can you sacrifice 30 seconds and wake up your friends and neighbors while you’re talking with them? Tell them that the Coronado Government Dunces are trying to force the World’s Dumbest Boondoggle on us.

If you love your neighbor, then you will Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!