Confirmed: The Golf Course Sewage Plant Will Smell BAD BAD BAD!
Game over! Coronado Taxpayers forced Government Dunces to admit their disgusting boondoggle would definitely smell bad. Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!
Game over! Coronado Taxpayers forced Government Dunces to admit their disgusting boondoggle would definitely smell bad. Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!
On St. Valentine’s Day and every day, Love Your Neighbor and Kiss the Coronado Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!
If Coronado Government Dunces wasted our Tax Dollars on their Sewage Lawsuit to bring stinky Raw Sewage to Coronado, then they are more aggressive and stupid than we thought. Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!
Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye because Coronado Government Dunces appear to have hid their stinky, secret, risky Boondoggle scheme from us for years!
Alert: The deceptively vague and positive ‘Golf Course Improvement Project’ title means it’s another Government Scam that you don’t want or need. Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!
The only way to preserve your beautiful views of our Island Paradise is to Kiss the ugly Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!
Every Sewage Plant produces Sludge. If you don’t want Coronado to be ruined by the stink of Sewage Sludge, then Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!
When you have your epiphany about the significance of the World’s Dumbest Government Boondoggle, take action to Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!
Is Coronado the next San FranFeces? No, because we will Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!
We are winning already because we are united in purpose to Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!