Coronado Taxpayers Must Pay for Damages Caused by the Risky Golf Course Sewage Plant

Coronado Taxpayers Must Pay for Damages Caused by the Risky Golf Course Sewage Plant

Government Dunces are responsible for damages caused by their Golf Course Sewage Plant Boondoggle. But Coronado Taxpayers must pay for those damages.

Not fair!

Government Dunces are Responsible

Government Dunces have it easy! They don’t have to pay for their failures. They make us pay instead. Sheesh.

Generally speaking, Government Dunces are shielded from personal financial responsibility, if they act within the scope of their authority.

For example, all the ‘yes’ votes of the Coronado Government councilmen and mayor that advance their risky Sewage Plant count as acting within the scope of their authority.

Their votes are their most powerful exercise of their government authority.

In addition, all of the normal government actions taken by Coronado Government staffers toward their risky Sewage Plant count as acting within the scope of their authority.

As a Rule, Coronado Taxpayers Must Pay

Even though Government Dunces are responsible, Coronado Taxpayers are personally liable because we must pay for damages caused by the risky Sewage Plant Boondoggle. What a scam!

Where does the money for damages come from? Sadly, it comes from our tax dollars in our Coronado Government General Fund.

Government Dunces treat Coronado Taxpayers like a big Piggy Bank. They force us to pay for their failures!

And if there aren’t enough of our tax dollars in our Government General Fund to go around, where will the money for damages come from?


Government Dunces always find ways to punish us with TAX HIKES to pay for their failures.

They will HIKE OUR TAXES because that’s their shameful, go-to move. They call it their ‘revenue stream,’ or ‘free money’.

It’s disgusting. They treat us like we are their Piggy Bank!

We think it’s an abuse of their authority. So shame on the Government Dunces!

Exception: When Coronado Taxpayers Don’t Have to Pay

On the other hand, Coronado Taxpayers don’t have to pay if Government Dunces act outside the scope of their authority.

Government Dunces are liable for any crimes they may commit.

So if the Coronado Government staffers, councilmen, and mayor take cash bribes from Special Interest Grinches, then Coronado Taxpayers are off the hook. We don’t have to pay because that’s outside the scope of authority of the Government Dunces.

The same goes if the Government Dunces take non-cash bribes, or some quid pro quos, or commit any other crimes in furtherance of their risky Golf Course Sewage Plant Boondoggle.

Thus the Government Dunces are personally liable for all of their crimes they may commit.

After all, we don’t pay Government Dunces to commit crimes, do we?

How to Ensure Coronado Taxpayers NEVER Pay

There is only one way to ensure that Coronado Taxpayers NEVER pay for damages caused by the risky Golf Course Sewage Plant Boondoggle:

We must Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!