Happy Saint Valentine’s Day!

Happy Saint Valentine’s Day!

What Would Saint Valentine Do?

Saint Valentine would Kiss the Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!

How do we know? Because Saint Valentine followed Jesus’ command to Love your neighbor as I have loved you.

Undeniably, people who love their neighbor don’t shove a Golf Course Sewage Plant down their throats and force them to pay for it through the inevitable Tax Hikes Tax Hikes Tax Hikes.

The Golf Course Sewage Plant Will Undeniably Require Tax Hikes

Tax Hikes for unwanted Boondoggles are so unloving.

Tax Hikes for unnecessary Boondoggles are so un-neighborly.

Tax Hikes are Government Dunces’ Abuse of Power and so un-Coronado.

Government Dunces will abuse their power by forcing Tax Hikes on us. What kind of Tax Hikes? Sewage Tax Hikes, Wastewater Tax Hikes, Bond Debt Repayments (just another deceptive label for Tax Hikes), and on and on and on. Yuck.

What Should We Do?

Coronado Taxpayers are already Overtaxed up to our eyeballs. Everything costs more on our Island.

We’re sick of Tax Hikes. Enough is enough!

No more Tax Hikes for the Golf Course Sewage Plant Boondoggle (which we don’t want and didn’t ask for)!

On Saint Valentine’s Day and every day, remember to Love your Neighbor and Kiss the Coronado Golf Course Sewage Plant Goodbye!